Thursday, April 24, 2008

I haven't had much time to post anything lately now that my spring work is starting up though it's been slower than usual due to the wacky weather. When the temperature hits the high mid eighties in one day and drops thirty degrees the next you know something is wacky. Call it global wackiness and it's only going to get more wacky. This is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak and they are disappearing also as well as thousands of other species. And what can we flawed humans do about it anyway except try to sway some political minds towards renewable energy? Turn off the lights and appliances and drive less? Time is of the essence and we are running out. Sunshine rain cold wind hail snow and sleet all in one week, now that's wacky.


Mad Rex said...

have you read Vonnegut's last book before he blesst the void, "A Man Without A Country"? it's a little gem that hightlights the essential whackiness...
You'll have to escuse me, but
i'm going to go and whack off now..

TW said...

Yeah I read it. Some strong words of truth and insight into the madness of it all.