Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kurt Vonnegut

" But I myself feel that our country for whose Constitution I fought for in a just war might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers."


The traffic keeps flowing

and people keep moving

keep consuming, keep spending.

The seasons come and go

and the years pile up on us

like a scrap heap of worthless debris

with a few lessons learned the hard way

and many still to be learned

with what little time is left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the aliens are among us, and i don't mean the ones from other countries.
for instance, i am now certain that the new neighbor is an alien. one look at her outrageous hairdo is all it takes: only a martian would sport a do like that.
furthermore, i have concluded that the heat pump is actually her space ship that remains running at all times in case she must make a quick return to Planet X.
clearly, they have no fuel shortages on Planet X.
that is the lesson i learned the hard way today.